Our pillars

Aluminium Dunkerque policy

This policy shows our commitment and that of the women and men of Aluminium Dunkerque to Health, Workplace safety, the Environment, Quality and Energy Efficiency, while respecting our stakeholders, as well as our will to prevent major accidents. Aluminium Dunkerque strives to meet the expectations of all its stakeholders.

To protect

Workplace health and safety and the Environment are our priorities.

Protect our employees and contractors from accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses.

Provide safe and healthy working conditions by reducing our exposure levels and conducting improvement projects.

Promote a responsible and positive HSE approach in which everyone undertakes to behave in an exemplary manner for themselves and their colleagues.

Protect from industrial disasters by effectively managing risks and prioritising major risks. The elimination of such risks will be prioritised, but if it is not possible to do so, their potential impact will be significantly reduced.

Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements to ensure sustainable compliance.

Protect the environment and reduce our environmental footprint by targeting our fluorine and greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption. Increase our capacity to recycle aluminium and recover our waste.

To engage

Proud and passionate about our business, we are watchful that everyone is successful.

Respect the code of conduct.

Act as an owner and develop our entrepreneurial spirit.

Recognise and celebrate our successes.

Recruit and induct new talent, develop skills and ensure the long-term future of our organisation.

Be attentive to and strengthen our partnerships with customers, suppliers, contractors, communities and other stakeholders.

Create constructive industrial relations for the future of the plant.

To excel

We do all we can to operate efficiently and keep our company competitive. Customer satisfaction is our primary objective.

Put quality at the centre of operations to deliver a quality product on time, every time.

Ensure operational excellence by operating to the highest standards.

Ensure that every tonne produced is profitable.

–  Develop our flexibility in the face of a changing energy market.

Ensure the availability and reliability of our equipment.

To innovate

Innovate for our future and that of our customers.

Développer des produits innovants et des nouveaux marchés pour améliorer notre valeur ajoutée.

Améliorer en permanence notre efficacité en nous appuyant sur notre système de gestion intégré, basé sur le principe de l’amélioration continue, intégrant les normes ISO 9001, 14001, 50001, ASI (Standard de performance et Chaine d’approvisionnement) et IATF (automobile).

Mener des projets de développement et investir dans les meilleures technologies disponibles pour l’avenir du site.

Développer des solutions innovantes au sein de notre site pour assurer notre compétitivité.

Encourager l’achat et la conception de produits et services économes en énergie.

Valoriser la faible empreinte carbone de nos produits.

Our energy challenges

Electricity is a crucial issue, accounting for 97% of our energy bill

Our decarbonisation project

Low-carbon aluminium, a major issue