Olivier Dussopt, the French Minister for Labour, Full Employment and Integration, visits us

On Friday 27 October, we welcomed the Minister for Labour, Employment and Integration to our premises, accompanied by the Dunkirk sub-prefect, François-Xavier Bieuville, the MP for the constituency, Paul Christophe, Senator Franck Dhersin and a delegation of local elected representatives. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the transformation of the Dunkirk area in the coming years, particularly in terms of work and jobs. This was a highly topical issue, since two weeks earlier we had hosted a meeting of the Service Public de l’Emploi Régional (SPER) on the same themes. The Minister toured the Carbon sector and then had the opportunity to talk to Aluminium Dunkerque work-study students about their career paths. A round-table discussion with company employees, the delegation accompanying the Minister, as well as the Direction Régionale et Départementale de l’Emploi du Travail et des Solidarités, Pôle Emploi and Entreprendre Ensemble, who were also invited, brought the meeting to a close.

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